Delegation of IIB participated in the annual session of BSTDB

The delegation of the International Investment Bank headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board Vladimir Livintsev was in Sofia (the Republic of Bulgaria) to participate in the activities of the 16th annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank on June 20−22.
The IIB has had an observer status in BSTDB since 2009. In the framework of the forum «Cross-border trade in the Black Sea region: challenges and prospects» the delegation participated in the thematic panel discussions, acquainted the participants with the initiatives and plans of the IIB in the sphere of the development of export-import operations and trade financing.
During the open-session of the Board of Governors of BSTDB the IIB’s address was presented to its participants with an accent placed on the results of the radical reformation of the Bank, its current operations and plans including the common member states with BSTDB: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania.
The following separate meetings with the representatives of the national and international institutions for development were held: International Finance Corporation (IFC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG(OeEB), European Investment Bank (EIB), German KfW Group and with the management of BSTDB for the discussion of the realization of joint projects and prospective new opportunities for cooperation on the"IIB's territory". Issues of development of cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and Invest Bulgaria Agency were discussed. Contact with the potential partners and clients from the banks, state and private companies was established.