Compliance news

IIB expands international cooperation: participates in BACEE’s annual conference on compliance and combating money laundering
In December 2018, representatives of International Investment Bank (IIB) took part in the 6th annual international conference on compliance and combating money laundering organized by the Banking Association of Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE). This authoritative and representative forum traditionally gathers heads of compliance divisions of leading financial institutions, representatives of the banking sector regulators and authorities, who oversee the development of compliance control… Read more

IIB develops exchange practices with partner banks
International Investment Bank (IIB) continues to implement training and knowledge sharing programmes for employees of financial institutions of member countries with the aim to exchange experience in the most important areas of of internal banking systems and functions development. This initiative aims to familiarize employees of partner banks with practices of international financial institutions in identifying and assessing risks, building internal control systems when working with personnel… Read more

IIB traditionally initiates development banks compliance experts annual meeting
On October 17, 2018 an international conference «Managing Compliance Risks in Development Finance Institutions: Multilateral and National Experiences” took place in Budapest (Hungary) under the auspices of the International Investment Bank (IIB). This important international forum was organized by IIB with in collaboration with the Banking Association of Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE), a long-term partner of the Bank. Representatives of international and national development banks, among… Read more

International Investment Bank expands cooperation in the field of compliance
On April 12, 2018, Director of Compliance Department of the International Investment Bank (IIB) took part in a seminar for the staff of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus (DBRB) dedicated to the implementation of compliance functions in development institutions. As part of the training, representatives of the DBRB presented international approaches to the construction of compliance-control functions, gave an overview of the main documents of supranational organizations involved in… Read more

Slovakia and Mongolia, with the support of the IIB, expand cooperation in the area of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism
The Technical Assistance fund (TAF) established by the Slovak Republic (SR) and the International Investment Bank (IIB) will provide consultancy services to Mongolian public authorities on the issues of national anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). The assistance related to the adaption of the Mongolian legislation in compliance with the Recommendations for Combating the Financing of Terrorism of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF Recommendations). This… Read more