Delegation of International Investment Bank visited Czech Republic

Deputy Chairmen of the Board of the International Investment Bank Denis Ivanov and Jiri Bobrek visited Prague. During the visit IIB delegation had a meeting with the heads of the Ministry of Finance of Czech Republic, Deputy Ministers of Finance Tomas Zidek (who is the Head of delegation of Czech Republic in IIB’s Council) and Radek Urban.
Top-managers of еру IIB told the Czech party about first results of the implementation of the Bank’s renewal program — promotion of operations on monetary markets, establishing partner relations with a range of large national and international financial institutions, programs of SMEs' support in the member states of еру IIB in the frame of new credit policy.
During the meeting IIB’s representatives introduced new approaches of the Bank to the system of asset-liability management, risk management, informed on the preparation for obtaining the credit rating.
The parties also discussed the prospects of IIB’s activities concerning Czech Republic. In particular, the question of cooperation with Czech Export Bank was discussed (in which Mr. Zidek is a member of the Supervisory Board) in terms of financing Czech export to the IIB’s member states.