IIB enhances contacts with International Finance Corporation

The representatives of the Board of the International Investment Bank headed by the Chairman of the Board Nikolay Kosov visited the representative office of the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) in Moscow. The main issue of the meeting with the Director, Europe and Central Asia, Tomasz Telma was the further development of cooperation between the two institutions for development. A significant impetus to such cooperation was given when the IIB joined the Master Cooperation Agreement, MCA, IFC in the beginning of this year.
Along with the plans to participate in the syndications in the member states of the Bank, particular attention was given to the issue of deepening of the IIB’s involvement in multilateral programs on the sustainable development and corporate management which are functioning in the framework of IFC. It will allow to strengthen the institutional base of the relations even more.
Nikolay Kosov also talked about the IIB’s current activities and its further plans of development, among which he especially noted the growth of the credit portfolio, increase of assets and the diversification of the resource base. He confirmed the interest of the IIB in the intensive cooperation with IFC in those directions.
In his turn, Tomasz Telma noted the positive dynamics of the development of the cooperation between the two organizations. He spoke for the activization of the consultations for the search, the selection and the implementation of the joint projects as well as the reinforcement of cooperation on wider range of issues.