IIB provided a loan to Transcapitalbank

On January 28, 2013 International Investment Bank provided a EUR 20 million loan to Transcapitalbank. The loan maturity is five years within the framework of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) joint program (http://www.iibbank.org/ru/news/191) of the support of the initiatives of the Russian small and medium enterprises in the sphere of energy-efficient technologies and the usage of renewable power sources.
Such a sphere of application of credit resources completely corresponds with the strategic aims of the IIB in the development of the SME’s sector, as well as its priorities in support of the ecological programs in member states.
The agreement with Transcapitalbank is the first project in Russia, which is being implemented together with the International Finance Corporation. The establishment of partnership relations with the leading international institutions for development is one of the major parts of the strategy of the renewed IIB.