IIB receives the highest credit rating from Russian national agency ACRA on a national scale

On November 18, 2019 Russian Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) announced the assignment of the highest-level investment credit rating according to the Russian national scale at AAA(RU) to International Investment Bank (IIB) with a stable outlook.
According to the information from the agency AAA rating is a “maximum credibility level assigned to rated entities”.
In the press release published by ACRA, among key factors that determined the highest level of rating, were high levels of financial stability, capital adequacy and liquidity, significant shareholder support and record-low share of NPLs.
“The level of ACRA ratings assigned yet again confirms the correctness of the Bank’s strategy chosen by shareholders and management.” - Chairperson of the IIB Management Board Nikolay Kosov commented - “Acknowledgement from the agency will allow us to be even more competitive in the Russian debt market, increase volumes of our ruble funding that will in its turn lead to further growth of lending and investment activity in the interest of our member states”.
On the international scale, ACRA assigned International Investment Bank with an "A" rating, outlook stable.