IIB’s employees awarded for contribution to development of the Bulgarian economy

Awards ceremony was held in the IIB headquarters on July 1. Certificates of merit on behalf of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation, H.E. Boyko Kotzev for 'Significant support of Bulgarian economy and capital raising' were presented to Denis Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board; Vladimir Balter, Secretary General; Denis Rodionov, Head of Customer Relations Department; Maxim Samolazov, Head of Credit Operations Analysis Department; Momchil Rusev, deputy Head of Strategic Development and Analysis Department.
Bulgaria is one of the most active member states of the Bank and is its second largest shareholder. To the present moment the Bank’s investment into the country, including loans and investments into the sovereign bonds of Bulgaria reaches EUR 85 million and there are projects in the pipeline in total amount about EUR 30 million. Thus, the IIB continues expanding its operations under Bulgarian direction.