International Investment Bank joines BACEE

The General Secretary of the Bank Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE) István Lengyel visited the International Investment Bank. During the negotiations the Chairman of the Board of IIB Nikolay Kosov talked about the current situation in the Bank, the implemented program of the reformation, new principles and spheres of its activity, the new strategy of IIB which is aimed at supporting small and medium business.
In his turn, Mr. Lengyel informed those present about the activities of the Association, which unites financial institutions from 21 countries. He talked about the increased interest for IIB from the part of its participants. Among them are banks that due to their specialization and status (as the state development banks) and support of export are objective partners for IIB — noted Nikolay Kosov.
István Lengyel invited IIB to become a member of the Association, participate in its annual conference and make a presentation about the Bank’s new perspectives.
Nikolay Kosov thanked him and accepted the invitation, having noted that IIB is interested in the contacts with the bank-members of the Association, considering that the countries of Central and Eastern Europe compose a large part of the IIB’s territory. Concrete steps for further development of cooperation including the cooperation in the sphere of exchange of information and organization of educating programs were discussed.