International Investment Bank renews its logo
International Investment Bank has changed over to a new logo and
corporate style. The change to a new visual self-identity has been brought about by the fact that the Bank, which concluded the period of its reformation, needs an image, which reflects the principles and the values of the renewed IIB.
While developing the new logo the succession was adhered to whilst being orientated towards the modern principles of the design, the functionality and the
awareness. In its base — a cut emerald, which symbolizes wisdom, transparency, firmness,
complexity — the qualities which correspond to the values that are based on the
conception of the development of IIB as a multilateral institution for
development. The green color reflects the ecological orientation of the Bank which
is already being carried out. The logo has been drawn up in two versions — Cyrillic
and Latin which correspond to the international status of the Bank.
The renovation of the logo was a logical conclusion of the process of the Bank’s reformation and gives a new meaning to its development and will
contribute to the rise of its awareness on the markets of its member states and
in the international business society.