International Investment Bank tightens links with Singapore partners
The International Investment Bank headquarters
hosted a meeting between Thinh Thi Hong, Deputy Chairman of the Bank and Mr.
Ho Chee Hin, Group Director, International
Operations (Europe), International Enterprise (IE)
In the course of the meeting the Singaporean partners were briefed on the current activities and future plans of the reformed Bank with special focus on its products and services. The IE representatives expressed particular interest in the Bank’s capacities in the area of SME finance, participation in infrastructure projects as well as export-import financing taking into account the Bank’s plans to increase the number of its shareholders. The IE has experience of such cooperation with the Asian Development Bank and International Financial Corporation.
The IE representatives took a keen interest in the possible involvement of the Bank in co-financing of Singapore-funded projects in the IIB member states, including the Russian Federation and Vietnam. For its part, the IIB delegation suggested considering the Bank’s resources and expertise as an additional window of opportunity for promoting Singapore investment through IE — IIB joint projects in Central and Eastern Europe in view of the upcoming conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
The parties agreed to share commercial information, maintain regular contacts and continue to explore options for mutually beneficial cooperation.