The Slovak Republic - strong and sustainable partnership

The delegation of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Russian Federation headed by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador H.E. Mr. Jozef Migaš visited the International Investment Bank.
The Chairman of the Board Nikolay Kosov informed the guests about the results of 2013 in terms of the financial performance as well as in the context of the realization of the mid-term strategy of the Bank. The head of the IIB emphasized the leading role that the Government of the Slovak Republic showed in the realization of the program of the IIB’s reformation and also the personal contribution of the Head of the Slovak delegation Mr. Vazil Hudak in the Bank’s obtainment of the international credit rating. Nikolay Kosov emphasized the symbolic character of the meeting of the Council of the IIB which was held in Bratislava in June last year during which principal decisions were accepted — first of all, the decision on the Bank’s recapitalization.
The Ambassador got acquainted with the new version of the constituent documents and also the agreements on the Bank’s residency which will help to actualize the IIB’s status as an international financial organization. H.E. Mr. Migaš as an experienced diplomat gave some recommendations regarding a successful conclusion of this important part of the work of the Bank.
For his part H.E. Mr. Migaš confirmed the strategic interest of the Slovak Republic in the Bank’s development, expressed confidence that the IIB becoming an effective financial institution would be in demand by all member states.
In the course of the discussion a series of questions were covered: the role of the IIB in the development of bilateral and multilateral economic relations between the member states including the attraction of national export and insurance agencies. In particular, there was a discussion on the programs for a number of Russian regions, the boost of the Slovak export to Mongolia and interest of the Slovak business to the projects in Cuba.
The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic also expressed interest in the work on the foundation of the International Financial Centre in Moscow, an active participant of which is the Bank, expressed interest in an effective realization of this project, voiced a series of interesting ideas on the increase of the attractiveness of Moscow as a European financial capital for the countries of Central Europe.
H.E. Mr. Jozef Migaš was given a certificate of honour from the IIB for"Individual contribution to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between International Investment Bank and the Slovak Republic, for the active support in the program of the Bank’s renovation". Nikolay Kosov one more time congratulated the Ambassador with his 60th anniversary and conveyed compliments to the Slovak Government for the support of the IIB.