Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

Consultations are being continued with the member states of the Bank, concerning the questions included in the agenda of the 100th Council of IIB which will take place on December, 5−6, 2013 in Moscow.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Boyko Kotzev, held a meeting with the expanded format of the Bank’s management. The Chairman of the Board, Nikolay Kosov, summed up the results of the ended Bank’s transformation, determined the IIB’s new state as a modern multilateral institution for development oriented on SME’s support in member states.
H.E. Mr. Boyko Kotzev highly appraised the work done by the Bank’s management regarding the renovation of the Bank, supported the initiatives of the management on key strategies of the IIB’s development. Bulgaria is one of the first countries to support the IIB’s new strategy, and continues to play the key role in its realization. Particularly, the Bulgarian Government was one of the first member states who officially adopted the decision of the participation in the Bank’s recapitalization. The Ambassador affirmed the intentions of the Bulgarian party for continuing development of the IIB.
Further specific steps on collaboration of the IIB with the Republic of Bulgaria in 2014 were also discussed during the meeting.