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EBRD Arranges USD 46 million Syndication in Mongolia to Boost Xacbank's SME Financing

EBRD Arranges USD 46 million Syndication in Mongolia to Boost Xacbank's SME Financing

USD 46 million credit arranged by the EBRD will help leading small business bank increase long-term lending to SMEs The EBRD is arranging a senior USD 46 million loan to Mongolia’s XacBank, the fourth largest bank and a leading small business lender in the country. This will be the first syndicated financing facility for the EBRD in Mongolia’s financial sector involving commercial banks, and one of the first syndicated loans…  Read more
IIB Collaborates with the Central Cooperative Bank

IIB Collaborates with the Central Cooperative Bank

The Central Cooperative Bank (the Republic of Bulgaria) opened limitations on operations with the International Investment bank on the financial markets. The Board of the CCB adopted the IIB’s proposition on cooperation, and in the nearest future the banks will start the cooperative work. The Central Cooperative Bank — is one of the oldest Bulgarian banks, it belongs to the top ten of the largest national financial…  Read more
International Investment Bank: Renewed Strategy Approved by All the member states

International Investment Bank: Renewed Strategy Approved by All the member states

The 98th Council meeting of the International Investment Bank took place in Moscow. The Russian Federation was chairing the meeting, which was conducted by the head of the Russian delegation in the IIB Council, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak and by his Deputy, the Head of the Department of Economic Development, the Member of the Board in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian…  Read more
The 98th Council Meeting of the International Investment Bank Started Today

The 98th Council Meeting of the International Investment Bank Started Today

The 98th Council meeting of the IIB started today in Moscow. The participants of the meeting are: the delegations of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of Cuba, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Romania, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and also delegations of Hungary and Poland (as observers). The meeting is conducted by Sergey Storchak, the Head of the delegation of the RF, deputy…  Read more
IIB supports small and mid-sized businesses of Bulgaria

IIB supports small and mid-sized businesses of Bulgaria

The Board of the International Investment Bank endorsed opening a credit line to the Bulgarian Bank of Development for the support of small and mid-sized businesses of Bulgaria. The total bank credit will amount to EUR 20 million. The loan will be provided for a term of seven years. In addition to financing end-use borrowers, the BBD can give loans to the Bulgarian commercial banks to fund similar projects. The credit line…  Read more