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IIB’s successful experience of Schuldscheindarlehen issue discussed at Euromoney Forum in Frankfurt

IIB’s successful experience of Schuldscheindarlehen issue discussed at Euromoney Forum in Frankfurt

On March 14, the participants of the 6th International Schuldschein Forum, organized by the Euromoney business magazine, discussed the emerging opportunities and latest trends of the Schuldscheindarlehen (SSD) market. Both issuers and investors from Europe and Asia, which use this type of traditional German debt instrument, attended this international annual event in Frankfurt (Germany). Deputy Head of the International Investment Bank’s (IIB) Structured and Debt Finance Department, Mr. Csaba…  Read more
Central Europe Fund of Funds starts its activities supported by the IIB

Central Europe Fund of Funds starts its activities supported by the IIB

The Central Europe Fund of Funds (CEFoF) started its activities in early 2018 by making its first commitment into a Czech private equity fund, ESPIRA Fund I, focused mainly on providing growth capital to companies with gender-diverse management teams. This investment is just the first in the expected much larger pipeline of operations aimed at providing private equity or venture capital to SMEs and small midcaps in the region of Central Europe, in particular in those countries where the CEFoF…  Read more
IIB acting as an integrator of pharmaceutical industry’s development in Russia and Hungary

IIB acting as an integrator of pharmaceutical industry’s development in Russia and Hungary

By promoting growth of strategic economic sectors and an integration of its member states, the International Investment Bank (IIB) actively supports development of the pharmaceutical industry of its shareholders, the Russian Federation and Hungary included. In this respect, the IIB signed an agreement on the issuance of counter-guarantees for up to RUB 1.5 billion for a key medicine distributor, one of Russia’s market leaders in the sector – Pharmaceutical Company PULSE LLC. The documentary…  Read more
IIB boosts lending to Mongolia – an agreement is signed with the Development Bank of Mongolia at IGC meeting

IIB boosts lending to Mongolia – an agreement is signed with the Development Bank of Mongolia at IGC meeting

The 21st meeting of the Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation was held in Moscow on February 28, 2018. The meeting was held under the leadership of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Russian part of the Commission, Sergei Donskoy, and Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, Chairman of the Mongolian part of the Commission, U. Enkhtuvshin. Members of the IGC,…  Read more
IIB showcases expert vision of current trade finance issues at 41st meeting of ADFIAP

IIB showcases expert vision of current trade finance issues at 41st meeting of ADFIAP

A delegation of the International Investment Bank (IIB) took part in the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), held in New Delhi, India, on February 20-22, 2017. Since 2013, the Bank has been an observer, and since 2015 a member of this largest in its kind regional association of financial development institutions. "Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development - Role of DFIs" - this is how this year’s keynote theme of…  Read more