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Roadmap for transition to new reporting standards – multilateral development banks discussed implementation of new IFRS-9 standard on the platform of IIB

Roadmap for transition to new reporting standards – multilateral development banks discussed implementation of new IFRS-9 standard on the platform of IIB

For the first time ever, top managers from a number of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), including the International Investment Bank (IIB), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), the European Investment Bank/European Investment Fund Group (EIB/ EIF Group), the Eurasian Development Bank, the New Development Bank (NDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and a number of other financial…  Read more
Speech of the IIB Board Chairman at the

Speech of the IIB Board Chairman at the "IFRS-9 for Multilateral Development Banks" conference

For the first time ever, the conference of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) "IFRS-9 for Multilateral Development Banks" took place in Moscow dedicated to the improvement of global practices of financial reporting and the implementation of the new IFRS-9 standard. The event was organized by the IIB with the support from S&P Global and Finastra: a Multilateral Development Bank, a rating agency and one of the leading companies in the area of innovative financial technologies. The…  Read more
IIB supports Slovak energetic giant – Bank’s largest investment in Slovakia

IIB supports Slovak energetic giant – Bank’s largest investment in Slovakia

As a part of the strategic development of its shareholders’ energy sector, the International Investment Bank (IIB) issued a EUR 60 million loan to the Slovak Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. for a 7-year period. The IIB’s bid came as the most favorable out of an international tender of the borrower. Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. is the largest energy company in Slovakia which focus on the production and sale of the electricity and heat. At the moment, the deal is the largest, flagship investment…  Read more
Multilateral Development Bank Forum on the implementation of IFRS-9 in the context of the of world economic recovery

Multilateral Development Bank Forum on the implementation of IFRS-9 in the context of the of world economic recovery

On September 28-29, 2017, representatives of major multilateral development banks (MDBs), including AIIB, BSTDB, EIB/EIF Group, EDB, NDB, Islamic Development Bank, African Development Bank and a number of other financial institutions will gather in Moscow at the invitation of the International Investment Bank (IIB) to discuss the issues of effective credit risk management at supranational level through the unification and effective implementation of IFRS-9. The discussion will be on the…  Read more
IIB is developing cooperation with UNIDO

IIB is developing cooperation with UNIDO

Within the context of strengthening relations with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the delegation of the International Investment Bank (IIB) participated as a special guest in the high-profile international conference Bridge for Cities: the Belt & Road Initiative - the Developing Green Economies for Cities, jointly organized by UNIDO and the Financial Center for South-South Cooperation by the end of September. More than 300 representatives of the international…  Read more