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SME support, joint projects and current IIB agenda discussed during meetings in Mongolia

SME support, joint projects and current IIB agenda discussed during meetings in Mongolia

On November 17-18, 2016, the delegation of the International Investment Bank (IIB), led by Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board, Vladimir Liventsev, visited Mongolia – one of the Bank’s Asian shareholders. The mission included meetings with Mongolia’s Minister of Finance Choijilsuren Battogtokh, top executives of Mongolbank and the Development Bank of Mongolia as well as representatives of the EBRD and the IFC, IIB’s co-financing partners in the country. The talks focused on different scenarios of…  Read more
IIB provides Russia’s State Transport Leasing Company with USD 33 million

IIB provides Russia’s State Transport Leasing Company with USD 33 million

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the International Investment Bank (IIB), Vladimir Liventsev, and First Deputy CEO of PJSC “State Transport Leasing Company” (STLC; Russia), Dmitry Shaplyko, signed an agreement to provide the STLC with a credit line of USD 33 million for a period of 7 years. The signing ceremony took place in IIB’s headquarters, attended by representatives of the Bank and the STLC. The STLC will use the credit line from the IIB to finance and refinance the purchase and leasing…  Read more
Club of Ambassadors of IIB member states met to discuss upcoming Council Meeting

Club of Ambassadors of IIB member states met to discuss upcoming Council Meeting

On November 10, 2016, the Board of the International Investment Bank (IIB) once again met with the Club of Ambassadors of IIB’s member states. Alongside the heads of diplomatic missions in Moscow, participants included Yuriy Zubarev, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, and Evgeny Stanislavov, Deputy Head of the Russian Delegation in the Bank’s Council and Director of the Economic Cooperation Department at…  Read more
IIB is expanding geography of its trade finance operations

IIB is expanding geography of its trade finance operations

In the 4th quarter, the International Investment Bank (IIB), in line with its mandate, continued to grow its trade finance portfolio and expand the geography of supported trade finance transactions. Thus, for the first time, the Bank has covered the risk of Mongolia’s Golomt Bank towards Československá obchodní banka, a.s. (ČSOB, Czech Republic), supporting delivery of automatic flour packaging line from the Czech Republic to another IIB member state, Mongolia. Reflecting its unique membe…  Read more
EUR 50 million in credit lines anticipated after signing of documents at IIB Day in Cuba

EUR 50 million in credit lines anticipated after signing of documents at IIB Day in Cuba

On November 3, 2016, at the so-called IIB Day during the Havana International Fair, Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board, Vladimir Liventsev, gave a detailed presentation of the financial instruments of the Bank for supporting sustainable development projects in the country, emphasizing export/import and financing of SPVs set up jointly with companies from other IIB member states. In contrast with the past four years, when the renewed Bank supported the Cuban economy only indirectly, by financing…  Read more