Publications by tag: коронавирус

Jozef Kollár, First Deputy Chairperson of the IIB Management Board spoke to Portfolio.Hu: The economic risk of the epidemy is considerable, but one can be prepared for this

Jozef Kollár, First Deputy Chairperson of the IIB Management Board spoke to Portfolio.Hu: The economic risk of the epidemy is considerable, but one can be prepared for this

Moving to Budapest is also supported by financial results, says Jozef Kollár, the bank's head of operations in Europe. International Investment Bank (IIB), formerly based in Moscow, relocated a major part of its operations to Budapest last year: the new location represents both an opening to European countries and markets and a major challenge for the financial institution. In addition, a few months after the move, the financial institution will have to face a major challenge. Jozef…  Read more