IIB’s increased capacity for development of trade and economic cooperation discussed at Russian-British Business Forum

IIB’s increased capacity for development of trade and economic cooperation discussed at Russian-British Business Forum

Implementing its mission of a multilateral development institution, the International Investment Bank (IIB) focuses on economic cooperation between its member states and their integration into the world economy. In this respect, the delegation of the IIB, led by Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board, Denis Ivanov, participated in the events of the Russian-British Business Forum «Partnerships for growth. New Strategies» on November 29-30, 2016. The large-scale meeting looked at aspects of business cooperation between Russia and the United Kingdom, promotion of international trade cooperation and attraction of foreign investments into the economy of the Russian Federation, a major shareholder of the Bank.

The forum was organised by the Russian Trade Delegation in the United Kingdom working in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, with support from the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce (RBCC). The meeting became a popular platform for continued dialogue between the representatives of the Russian, British and international companies, business consultations regarding access to foreign markets and execution of export-import operations. The sessions and discussions were attended by political and government representatives of Russia and the UK, top executives from investment agencies and financial institutions as well as national corporations and administrations of large Russian regions.

As a speaker at the panel session «Financial support of export activities: role of financial institutions of the two countries», D. Ivanov presented an overview of IIB’s financial instruments and opportunities to strengthen the Russian-British investment cooperation. Interregional status of the multilateral development institution, whose shareholders are located on three continents, and its readiness to cooperate with non-member countries and organisations create favourable prospects for diversification of international trade relations, implementation of multilateral projects and expansion of Russian and British companies to new markets. The IIB, as well as other multilateral development banks, has special capacity to support export-import operations, taking into account the Bank's flexible approach to lending and provision of guarantees to partners around the world, he said.

The IIB continuously makes a practical contribution to the development of Russian-British relations, participating in a number of bilateral organisations. The Bank has been RBCC’s Silver Card Member since 2012 and has a representative on the chamber’s Board of Directors. The institution also participates in the bilateral Moscow International Financial Centre Joint Liaison Group (MIFC JLG). Since 2014, a number of the Group’s meetings were held at IIB’s headquarters with regard to the development of the MIFC. The Chairman of the IIB Board, Nikolay Kosov, serves as Deputy Co-Chairman of the MIFC.