International Investment Bank Participated in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Session

International Investment Bank Participated in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Session

On October 10−13, 2013 The IIB`s delegation headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board Mr. Denis Ivanov took part in the events within the framework of the autumn joint session of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Board of Governors. The IIB`s representatives participated in the series of thematic conferences, seminars, «round tables» on various aspects of financial, economic and investment topics; took part in panel discussions on exchange of experience and best practices.

The series of bilateral meetings with the chief executives of several multilateral and national financial institutions for development and bank’s representatives were held. Among them were: WBG, ADB, EBRD, IFC, NIB, ADFIAP, several investment banks. Issues of mutual practical interest were discussed. Financial and credit organizations affirmed serious interest in deepening the thematic cooperation with the IIB on different directions, in particular including joint projects funding, syndicated lending, risk sharing, the IIB member states export support.