International Investment Bank successfully completed secondary placement of Series 03 bonds

On May 30, 2018 International Investment Bank (IIB) completed a secondary placement of Series 03 bonds.
Collection of the orders to obtain classical bonds with the 6 months put-option, coupon at 7,60% p.a. in the total amount of 4 bn rubles took place on the date of placement.
Russian and international financial institutions as well as asset management companies constitute the investor base.
“IIB managed to attract funding within the limits of the targeted rate despite existing volatile conditions in the Russian and emerging markets. Russia remains one of the key markets for our Bank and we continue to actively engage with both investors and borrowers” – Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board Jozef Kollar commented.
IIB has the highest issuer rating on the Russian bond market – Moody’s A3/Stable; S&P BBB+/stable; Fitch BBB/positive, Dagong A/positive. IIB Bonds have a low market risk coefficient of 8.125%.
Currently there are four outstanding issues of IIB bonds in the Russian market in the total amount of 22 bn rubles.
Lead managers of the bond placement: Raiffaisenbank, Rosbank, Unicredit.
Technical underwriter: Rosbank