International Investment Bank’s team congratulates the First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board Mr. Jozef Kollar on the occasion of his jubilee!

International Investment Bank’s team congratulates the  First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board  Mr. Jozef Kollar on the occasion of his jubilee!

Dear Mr. Kollar!

Dear Jozef!

Our international team of the Bank wholeheartedly congratulates you on your jubilee!

A far-sighted strategist, an international banker, a skilful diplomat, a wise leader – just a few of your characteristics expressed by everyone, who is lucky and honoured to be working with you.

A loyal friend, a man true to his word, a man of honour, an interesting conversationalist, an athlete and a gentleman – just a few of your characteristics expressed by those lucky enough to call you their friend.

It is impossible to underestimate your personal contribution to the relaunch and development of International Investment Bank for the benefit of the member countries - it is truly significant!

We want to express our sincere hope and firm belief that for many years to come you will remain among those leaders, who confidently steers the Bank's ship to new horizons, discoveries and achievements!

Let peace, love and prosperity always live in your Home!

Yours truly,

IIB Team