New Deputy Chairman in the IIB

Denis Ivanov has been appointed new Deputy Chairman. Mr. Ivanov will be responsible for cooperation with financial institutions, national and international banks for development, rating agencies, Treasury and funding.
Before joining IIB Mr. Ivanov had headed the representative office of VNESHECONOMBANK in London for 7 years. Before that he had worked in VEB head office; started his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the Embassy of Russian Federation in Great Britain.
In 1997 Mr. Ivanov graduated from Moscow State Institute for International Relations with Honors: in the year 2007 he participated in the professional development program in London Business School; in 2011 he got an MBA degree in Cass Business School (City University).
This appointment is in line with the new personnel policy of the Bank, oriented at the attraction of highly professional employees of international standing. Experience of Denis Ivanov and his qualifications will contribute to the realization of the Bank’s renewal program, which was adopted at the Bank Council session in November 2012, as well as to the implementation of the tasks, faced by the Bank in the frame of its transformation into a modern multilateral institution for development.