Notice to Bondholders, Creditors and Clients

The International Investment Bank hereby informs that on October 19, 2023 Hungary has become the last EU member state to withdraw from the membership in the Bank.

The next day the IIB Board of Governors adopted a number of fundamental decisions aimed at further stabilisation of the Bank, including restoration of its corporate governance and its Headquarters relocation from Budapest. Entry into force of the relevant amendments to the Bank’s statutory documents will require certain time subject to legal procedures under the national law of each member state.

The Board of Governors also instructed the Bank’s Management Board regarding settlement of affairs of IIB in connection with the ongoing change of its host country, considering that the existing ”Agreement Between the International Investment Bank and the Government of Hungary Regarding the Headquarters of the International Investment Bank in Hungary” must be terminated in full accordance with the international public law and the letter and spirit of the treaty as such.

The Bank further reiterates its commitment to the high international standards on financial markets and confirms firm determination to fulfill its obligations towards creditors, investors and former member states. At the same time, being fully deprived of the access to its own assets/funds in the EU as well as being entirely forced out of the European financial market, IIB calls on the financial authorities of its former European member states to facilitate resolving of the previously communicated issues of unblocking the IIB’s assets/funds in the EU for the sake of investors stakeholders and counterparties from these states and from elsewhere.