Romanian Stockbrokers’ Association recognizes IIB’s achievements in contributing to the development of the Romanian Stock Market

Romanian Stockbrokers’ Association recognizes IIB’s achievements in contributing to the development of the Romanian Stock Market

Last night at the 2017 Romanian Capital Market Awards Gala the Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board, Mr. Jozef Kollár, was honoured to receive the award in the nomination “For Outstanding Achievement in Developing the Corporate Bond Market of Romania.”

It is an honour to receive recognition for the IIB’s desire to create such a win-win opportunity – being first issuer to place quasi-eurobonds using the infrastructure of the Romanian market. We have a strong partner in the Romanian stock exchange, and very much look forward to our continued partnership,” – stressed Mr. J. Kollar during the award ceremony.

The transaction, which was completed in September was structured in two tranches, denominated in lei and in euros with a maturity of 3 years. The tranche in the Romanian national currency amounts to RON 300 million (about EUR 65 million), the tranche in euros – to 60 million. The rate in RON is bound to the inter-bank lending rate in Romania and equal to ROBOR 3M + 1.50% per annum, the rate in euros: 1,593% per annum.

This is the third year that the IIB has received such a nomination, demonstrating its unerring commitment to assisting and investing in the development of the financial infrastructure in its sovereign states, particularly Romania.

For more details about the placement – please click here.