Stefan Nanu appointed as Director of IIB Structured and Debt Finance Department

The International Investment Bank (IIB) announces the appointment of Stefan Nanu as the Director of Structured and Debt Finance Department. Mr. Nanu has a long-lasting experience in international and public finance, including previous employment within the World Bank Group.
At IIB Stefan Nanu will be responsible for the mobilization of resources in debt capital markets, the structuring of project related funding, as well as investor relations.
Before starting his work with IIB, Mr. Nanu headed Treasury and Public Debt General Directorate at the Ministry of Public Finance of Romania. He coordinated the sovereign debt issues, public treasury operations, relationship with the rating agencies and international financial institutions, activities of the national stock market. Previously, he held various positions in such major development institutions as the World Bank, European Investment Bank and participated in management bodies of Insurance Guaranty Fund, Romanian Bank for Credit and Investment, National Guarantee Fund for SME lending, Economic and Finance Committee of the European Union, etc.
Stefan Nanu holds a Masters Degree in Management of Public Institutions from the Academy of Economic Science (Bucharest) and has completed a number of executive educational programs, including Harvard Kennedy School, Venice International University, Goldman Sachs Academy and others.