News by country: Russian Federation

A meeting between the IIB Governor from the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak and Chairman of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov

A meeting between the IIB Governor from the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak and Chairman of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov

Russian Federation authorized representative in the Board of Governors of the International Investment Bank (IIB), Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak together with members of the Russian delegation in IIB visited the Bank’s headquarters, where bilateral working consultations were held with the Chairman of the IIB Management Board Nikolay Kosov on current and potential operations of the financial institution. Special attention was given to “comparing notes” on key…  Read more
IIB expands partnership with OTP Banking Group

IIB expands partnership with OTP Banking Group

International Investment Bank (IIB) continues to develop its partnership with OTP Group in various areas of activity. In line with implementation of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement concluded in June 2016, IIB engages in effective business cooperation with the expanding OTP Group (currently operating in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine), in IIB’s European member states and Russia in the area of trade finance, treasury operations, lending…  Read more
New issue of IIB bonds admitted to trading in Romania

New issue of IIB bonds admitted to trading in Romania

The new issue of the International Investment Bank (IIB) bonds, denominated in euros and in lei, has been admitted to trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. This was already fourth bond placement of IIB in Romania and second one with EUR-denominated tranche. On October 22nd, 2018, the symbolic opening ceremony of the trading session for IIB’s securities was held at the stock exchange with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board, Mr. Jozef Kollár, State Secretary of the…  Read more
IIB traditionally supports BACEE conference

IIB traditionally supports BACEE conference

A statement from the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the International Investment bank (IIB) Georgy Potapov was one of the first to open a 37th conference of the Banking Association of Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE) that took place in Budapest, Hungary on October 15-16, 2018. IIB traditionally supported this important financial regional event as a “gold” sponsor. The main theme of this year’s BACEE conference was the evaluation of risk measurements and analysis of opportunities…  Read more
The International Investment Bank (IIB) joins the International Development Finance Club (IDFC)

The International Investment Bank (IIB) joins the International Development Finance Club (IDFC)

On the margin of its Annual Meeting held in Bali on October 14, 2018 , IDFC, the international group of 24 leading national and regional development banks, welcomed IIB as new member of the Club. Mr. Jozef Kollar, Deputy Chairman of the IIB Management Board, signed today during the IDFC Annual Meeting in Bali the deed of membership of the International Investment Bank, in the presence of Rémy Rioux, IDFC Chairperson and CEO of Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and of CEOs and…  Read more