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IIB supports the largest over the past 15 years project for the export of high-tech power equipment from the Czech Republic to the Russian Federation

IIB supports the largest over the past 15 years project for the export of high-tech power equipment from the Czech Republic to the Russian Federation

International Investment Bank (IIB) has approved the provision of an irrevocable guarantee to ZDAS a.s. (Czech Republic) for the implementation of a large-scale project involving the design, construction and installation of a modern power plant at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works - MMK (Russian Federation). The total project volume is 172 million euros. The highly efficient and environmentally friendly steam-electric power plant will allow MMK to use gas from newly - built blast furnaces…  Read more
International Investment Bank’s team congratulates the  First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board  Mr. Jozef Kollar on the occasion of his jubilee!

International Investment Bank’s team congratulates the First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board Mr. Jozef Kollar on the occasion of his jubilee!

Dear Mr. Kollar! Dear Jozef! Our international team of the Bank wholeheartedly congratulates you on your jubilee! A far-sighted strategist, an international banker, a skilful diplomat, a wise leader – just a few of your characteristics expressed by everyone, who is lucky and honoured to be working with you. A loyal friend, a man true to his word, a man of honour, an interesting conversationalist, an athlete and a gentleman – just a few of your characteristics expressed by those lucky…  Read more
IIB published financial statements for the first half of 2021: the Bank continues to demonstrate growth in all key indicators

IIB published financial statements for the first half of 2021: the Bank continues to demonstrate growth in all key indicators

On July 29, 2021, International Investment Bank (IIB) published IFRS financial statements for the first half of the current year. Despite the fact that the consequences of the global economic crisis caused by the pandemic continue to have an impact on the global economy, IIB has once again demonstrated a high level of financial stability, success in the implementation of the current Strategy and continued to increase the scale of its lending and investment activities in the interest of its…  Read more
Head of Debt Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Stefan Nanu gave an exclusive interview to the Romanian business portal Financial Intelligence about IIB activities in Romania

Head of Debt Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Stefan Nanu gave an exclusive interview to the Romanian business portal Financial Intelligence about IIB activities in Romania

What is the volume of Romanian projects in the IIB portfolio for lending and investment? What is the share? What country has the largest investment share in the IIB portfolio? As of the end of last year, Romania held the leading position in the bank’s loan and documentary portfolio, with a share of around 18%. Our activity in the country picked up noticeably in the last 3 years, so, we are very proud to be one of the largest beneficiaries among IIB member states, with active operations in…  Read more
IIB continues to support its member states: the Bank will provide another loan for the SME sector development  in Mongolia

IIB continues to support its member states: the Bank will provide another loan for the SME sector development in Mongolia

International Investment Bank (IIB) announced the conclusion of a new loan agreement with the Golomt Bank of Mongolia that amounts up to USD 10 mln with a tenor of five years. The institution is one the major systemically significant players of the national banking sector, which provides financial services for individuals, SMEs, and corporate clients. The borrower intends to allocate the proceeds from this tranche to implement lending programs for the SMEs, to finance projects with the…  Read more