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Business meeting with the SME Bank

Business meeting with the SME Bank

A business meeting between the top managers of IIB and their colleagues from SME Bank was held, which was dedicated to the development and the intensification of cooperation. SME Bank is part of the Vneshekonombank’s group of the Russian Federation and implements the State program of the support of small and medium enterprises. In its turn the development of small enterprises in the member states is one of the main…  Read more
International Investment Bank enters capital markets

International Investment Bank enters capital markets

As part IIB’s transition to a new organizational structure Structured and Debt Finance Department headed by Ms Julia Slyusar was established. In this position Julia will be in charge of the Bank’s activities on capital markets, structured and project finance operations including the involvement of export credit agencies (ECAs) as well as coordination of investor relations and cooperation with international rating…  Read more
European talks of the Chairman of the Board

European talks of the Chairman of the Board

The Chairman of the Board of the IIB Nikolay Kosov in the course of the European trip held a series of meetings with the representatives of the governmental authorities of the member states of the Bank. The talks with the head of the Slovak delegation in the Council of the Bank, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Vazil Hudak were held in the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava. The head…  Read more
International Investment Bank obtained international investment credit rating

International Investment Bank obtained international investment credit rating

International rating agency Fitch Ratings has assigned the International Investment Bank a Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of «BBB-" with a stable outlook and Short-term IDR of «F3″. International Investment Bank obtained a credit rating for the first time in its history. It became possible due to the realization of the complex reformation of the Bank, during the past year, aimed at the IIB’s transformation into…  Read more
The 100th  meeting of the Council of the International Investment Bank

The 100th meeting of the Council of the International Investment Bank

On December 5−6, 2013, an anniversary 100th meeting of the Council of International Investment Bank, the highest authority body, was held in Moscow. Among the issues of the Council were: report about the Bank’s activity during the first half-year, information about the implementation of the new organizational structure and new personnel arrangements, draft of new constituent documents, project of restructuring the debt of the Republic of Cuba. In fact, the anniversary Council, having…  Read more