IIB continues an active dialogue with its member states: Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Dr. Csaba Balogh paid a visit to IIB Headquarters in Budapest

Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Dr. Csaba Balogh visited IIB Headquarters in Budapest, where he met with the Chairperson of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov and members of the Management Board.
Head of IIB informed his high-ranked guest about key strategic priorities of the institution, recent results of its activities, primary plans and investment opportunities with the focus on Hungary and Europe.
It was emphasized by all meeting participants that IIB continues to demonstrate positive dynamics of key performance indicators with some strategic targets being met ahead of schedule. Thus, in October 2021 the Bank brought its net loan portfolio level to EUR 1.2 billion - more than a year ahead of a plan, outlined in the current Strategy 2018-2022. Dr. Balogh expressed satisfaction with the achieved results, as well as hope that International Investment Bank’s role, as one of the significant players in the regional financial market will strengthen further.
The parties agreed to continue an active dialogue aimed at further growth and diversification of IIB activities in Hungary and in the European region overall.