IIB named “Best bank for sustainable development in CEE”

International media holding Global Banking and Finance Review (GBFR) has published a list of 2019 GBFR Award winners. International Investment Bank awarded "Best Bank for Sustainable Development Central and Eastern Europe".
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a list of strategic targets identified by the United Nations, which an international community strives to achieve until 2030.
The United Nations identifies 17 goals aimed at sound stewardship of natural resources, expansion of environmentally friendly nature-, energy-, and material-saving technologies, maintaining the stability of social and cultural systems, as well as ensuring the integrity of eco systems of the planet.
In full accordance with its mandate of a multilateral development bank, IIB unswervingly gives priority to supporting the projects contributing to the SDGs’ achievement.
Currently, such initiatives account for more than 65% of the total IIB loan and documentary portfolio, which in December 2019 exceeded a record value of 1 billion euro. Further increase in this indicator remains among IIB strategic priorities.
IIB-supported projects contribute to industry, innovation and infrastructure development, decent work and economic growth, reducing inequality, providing good health and well-being, affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, climate action, etc.
The Bank intends to continue its work for SDGs’ implementation in all its member states.