«Relaunching» the IIB – among topics of academic Liventsev readings at MGIMO

«Relaunching» the IIB – among topics of academic Liventsev readings at MGIMO

On April 6, 2017, the International academic conference The First Liventsev readings "International Economic Relations - MGIMO School of Science" was held at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). During the forum, the Deputy Chairman of the International Investment Bank (IIB) Board, Vladimir Nikolayevich Liventsev, presented a report concerning the institutional reform («relaunch») of the IIB.

The speech was of particular importance for V.N. Liventsev taking into account that the readings were named after his father – an international economist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Nikolay Nikolayevich Liventsev, who permanently led the Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations for more than a quarter of a century, until 2006, and who played an integral role in the education of several generations of professionals in the area of international economics and diplomacy.

Mr. Artem Malgin, MGIMO's Vice-Rector for General Affairs, on behalf of the administration of MGIMO made the opening speech. The participants of the plenary session heard reports made by professors of the Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations n.a. N.N. Liventsev Mrs. L.S. Rovenko and Mrs. T.M. Isaichenko, professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Mrs. V.V. Perskaya, and Mr. Yaroslav Lissovolik, Chief Economist of the Eurasian Development Bank.

The academic conference was devoted to the discussion of development trends for world markets and the integration processes from both the theoretical and practical points of view, existing international financial architecture, international trade in global turbulence, and Russia's role in modern international economic relations.

In his speech, V.N. Liventsev stated the success of a large-scale transformation of the IIB into the modern multilateral development institution that was launched in 2012. He stressed that, due to comprehensive reform that has already been completed, the Bank is now entering a new strategic stage of its development, which projects the doubling of its assets and the trebling of the credit portfolio by 2022, and forecasts the dynamic and financially sustainable growth of the multilateral development institution as an established player in markets of its target geography.

In memory of the professor N.N. Liventsev, it was decided to hold the academic Liventsev readings on an annual basis.

Please find the full text of V.N. Liventsev’s speech (in Russian) by the link.