IIB develops dialogue with the shareholders: the Bank’s Management held a series of consultations with high-level government officials of the largest member states

In April 2021, a series of meetings and consultations took place between the Chairperson of the IIB Management Board Nikolay Kosov and representatives of the largest shareholder states of the Bank.
Current state of affairs in IIB, first intermediate results of the relocation to Europe, short-term prospects of further development and investment priorities of the institution, as well as the main provisions of a new strategy that is currently in an active stage of preparation at the Bank, were among the main topics of the meetings.
In particular, the Head of IIB met with the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Finance of Hungary Mihaly Varga and Minister of State of the Finance Ministry Gabor Gion, who represent Hungary in the Board of Governors of the Bank.
His Excellency Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Hungary Evgeny Stanislavov, who until his recent appointment served as a Deputy Governor from Russia in the IIB Board of Governors, visited the Headquarters of the institution in Budapest.
During his visit to Moscow aimed at monitoring of the activities of the IIB Branch the Chairperson of the Management Board was received by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Aleksey Overchuk, in charge of the matters of international economic cooperation, as well as by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. Results of the consultations and all current and prospective agenda of IIB were discussed by Nikolay Kosov with the Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Timur Maksimov, a Governor from Russia in the IIB highest governing body.
Representatives of the Governments of two largest shareholder countries gave high opinion on the work carried out by International Investment Bank and confirmed their intentions to provide comprehensive support to the activities of the institution aimed at continuous growth and strengthening of positions in the international financial community. The parties also outlined practical steps for successful implementation of strategic plans for enhancement of lending and investment activity in the interests of all member states.
Apart from that, a videoconference headed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board Rumyana Kyuchukova in charge of the Block “Risk and Legal” took place with the delegations of the shareholder countries dedicated to matters of risk management in conditions of global financial turmoil caused by the pandemic. Within the course of the event, participants highlighted the main challenges and priority tasks for the Bank in this sphere, as well as issues of day-to-day activities, including the course of implementation of the new capitalization programme 2020-2022.