Minister of State for Financial Policy Affairs of Hungary Gabor Gion visits IIB Headquarters

On August 28, 2019 Minister of State for Financial Policy Affairs of Hungary Gabor Gion, Deputy Governor of the IIB Board of Governors, paid a visit to the Bank’s Headquarters.
Mr. Gion met with the Chairperson of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov, Board members and key managers of IIB.
The high-ranked guest was informed about the successful completion of the institution’s Headquarters relocation to Europe. It was underlined that as a result, the decision – making center, the Bank’s management and key staff moved to Budapest. Nikolay Kosov also spoke about the current status of the institution’s strategy implementation with an emphasis on projects in Hungary and in the CEE region.
The participants of the meeting also discussed the agenda of the upcoming Board of Directors and Board of Governors meetings which will take place in Budapest in September, 2019. These will be the first gatherings of the highest governing bodies of IIB after the headquarters’ address change.
Nikolay Kosov noted that despite objective difficulties related to relocation the Bank is continuously demonstrating positive dynamics in all key performance indicators and is developing strictly in accordance with its budget and business plan approved by all shareholders. He also expressed his gratitude to the Hungarian side for its comprehensive support of IIB activities.
The Parties agreed to maintain a close and constructive dialogue and outlined concrete steps for its enhancement.