A press conference held in Budapest announced the launch of a transnational environmental project “CLEAN WATER. HAPPY TISZA” supported by IIB

On January 22, 2020, in Budapest (Hungary) during a press conference the start of a trans-border environmental project “Clean Water. Happy Tisza” was announced.
This large-scale environmental program is implemented by the non-profit organization “Plastic Cup” and is aimed at combating plastic waste pollution in the basin of the second largest water artery of Hungary - the Tisza River. Earlier, in September 2019, International Investment Bank announced its decision to provide a grant for support of this crucial initiative.
To address representatives of leading international and Hungarian media were Mr. Attila David Molnar, co-founder of the “Plastic Cup”, its project manager Mr. Gergely Hankó, managing director of the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises, as well as a number of leading scientific research experts. A detailed report on the goals, objectives, main stages and the expected outcomes of the project wasannounced. IIB was represented by Anna Lvova, Head of International Relations and Communications Department.
The main goal of the project is to conduct a scientific expedition that will sail along the entire course of the almost thousand-kilometer Tisza to create a detailed map of polluted areas, as well as to analyse the composition and origin of plastic. The start of the expedition is scheduled for this spring and results are expected to be made public by the year end.
The organizers also reported that the expert group of the project will include leading scientists and environmental researchers. The collected data will help to compose a detailed report containing a comprehensive analysis of the situation and recommendations for its full-scale improvement.
One of the desired outcomes is a launch of a website and of a mobile application, which will become an effective tool for continuous monitoring of the environmental situation throughout the river basin and will help consolidate efforts of volunteers, local communities, authorities and businesses to solve this outstanding problem vital for the whole CEE region.
“The Bank traditionally supports significant environmental initiatives in its member states. Moreover, the projects aimed at protecting and preserving water resources are among our top priorities - said IIB representative Anna Lvova, - it’s important to note that Tisza flows through the territory of 5 European countries - Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine, three of which are IIB shareholders. The support provided for this project fully complies with the Bank’s mandate as an international development institution, as it contributes to the conservation and protection of water ecosystems”.