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The Slovak Republic – International Investment Bank Technical Assistance Fund pilot project accomplished

The Slovak Republic – International Investment Bank Technical Assistance Fund pilot project accomplished

The Slovak Republic – International Investment Bank Technical Assistance Fund pilot project accomplished The Slovak Republic – International Investment Bank Technical Assistance Fund (SR-IIB TAF) has successfully finalized its pilot project. The eight-month project of technical assistance for the Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (FRC) was aimed at improving the Mongolian national regulatory framework for anti-money laundering / combating financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) to comply…  Read more
IIB is developing the Hungarian dialogue

IIB is developing the Hungarian dialogue

The delegation of the International Investment Bank headed by Nikolay Kosov, Chairman of the Board, who was accompanied by Georgy Potapov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, within the framework of their business visit to the Hungarian capital, held bilateral consultations with the Head of the Hungarian Delegation in the IIB Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary, Finance Minister Mr. Mihály Varga and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the country, Mr.Péter Szijjártó. The parties…  Read more
IIB enhances its European activities: the Bank supports energy infrastructure in Europe

IIB enhances its European activities: the Bank supports energy infrastructure in Europe

International Investment Bank (IIB) took part in a Senior Secured Term Loan Facility granted to energy holding MET for the amount of HUF 35.84 bn (equivalent to EUR 112 mln) for 7 years for the purposes of financing its operations. The Facility was arranged by Mandated Lead Arrangers & Bookrunners Citibank N.A. (London Branch), UniCredit S.p.a. and UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. IIB share in the syndication amounts to HUF 4.8 bn. “European Region, particularly Central and Eastern Europe,…  Read more
IIB expertise is now available to the participants of international financial markets: the IIB has launched its new individual page on the Thomson Reuters Eikon terminal

IIB expertise is now available to the participants of international financial markets: the IIB has launched its new individual page on the Thomson Reuters Eikon terminal

As part of the established partnership relations between the International Investment Bank (IIB, Bank) and Thomson Reuters, the Bank publishes a wide range of financial information and data that represent a significant value for the participants of international currency and securities markets. In particular, the IIB provides information on the quotations of 25 corporate bonds and Eurobonds that the Bank holds in its portfolio, publishes spot and cross exchange rates, fixings, full forward…  Read more
IIB announces entry into force of the new statutory documents

IIB announces entry into force of the new statutory documents

International Investment Bank is pleased to announce the entry into force of the new statutory documents of the Bank. The ratification process was successfully completed on June 25, 2018 when the Protocol Amending the Agreement on the Establishment of the International Investment Bank and its Charter was ratified by the President of the Slovak Republic. The new statutory documents entered into force 30 days after the date of receipt of the Protocol by the depositary, i.e. the Ministry fo…  Read more