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Successful return of the IIB on Russian debt market

Successful return of the IIB on Russian debt market

On April 27, 2017, the International Investment Bank (IIB) held a successful secondary placement of ruble bonds of 02 series, or “mibovki”, previously re-purchased under the regular put option. The volume of the secondary placement amounted to RUB 2.98 billion. Thus, the whole issue, RUB 3 billion is again in circulation. The order book opened on April 26, 2017, with the initial range of 100.0-100,45% of the nominal value, which corresponds to yields of 9.46-9,73% (the coupon rate was…  Read more
IIB finances the sole Russian producer of galvanized rolled products for EUR 40 million

IIB finances the sole Russian producer of galvanized rolled products for EUR 40 million

The International Investment Bank (IIB) issued a loan facility for the Lysva Metallurgical Plant ZAO (LMZ) – the sole Russian producer of galvanized rolled products with coatings – and disbursed the first tranche. The parties concluded a credit agreement for the amount of EUR 40 million. According to the agreement, which was signed at the IIB headquarters, the term of the deal is for 3 years and assumes that a limit is reviewed on an annual basis. The contract can be renewed as a result of the…  Read more
IIB supported the largest deal in the sector for a Russian bank to acquire a syndicated loan

IIB supported the largest deal in the sector for a Russian bank to acquire a syndicated loan

The International Investment Bank (IIB) participated in the international syndicated loan facility for CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW (CBM) for a record-breaking amount of USD 500 million. The syndicate became the largest transaction among Russian commercial banks during the last two years. CITIBANK N.A., London Branch, OOO HSBC BANK (RR), ING BANK N.V., RAIFFEISEN BANK INTERNATIONAL AG, PJSC ROSBANK, COMMERZBANK AG and AO UNICREDIT BANK acted as Mandated Lead Arrangers and Bookrunners. They were…  Read more
IIB practically implements the concept of a “green office”

IIB practically implements the concept of a “green office”

The International Investment Bank (IIB) has made significant progress in implementing the concept of a "green office" according to the plan of the IIB’s initiative of responsible attitude to the environment, which was approved in 2016. During the year, the Bank consistently reduced the consumption of resources and supplies for both its Headquarters in Moscow and the European Regional Office in Bratislava. The IIB managed to optimize its printing expenses and to reduce the procurement of a…  Read more
IIB discussed capabilities of IFIs to expand Eurasian Economic Union

IIB discussed capabilities of IFIs to expand Eurasian Economic Union

Top executives of the International Investment Bank (IIB) took part in an expert dialogue, which was organized by the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and was dedicated to the prospects of using financial and banking mechanisms to expand the project cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). On April 10, 2017, a joint meeting of the ARB’s committee and the RSPP’s subcommittee was held in Moscow with the participation…  Read more