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IIB signed a loan agreement with Mongolian Capital Bank

IIB signed a loan agreement with Mongolian Capital Bank

Today, at its headquarters, the International Investment Bank concluded a loan agreement with the Capital Bank (Mongolia). The facility, in the amount of EUR 5 million and tenor of 4 years, will be directed for development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia. The Banks continued their cooperation, which started in October 2013, when they signed the first loan agreement, aimed at support of SME sector as well. The loan has become the eighth one, disbursed by the IIB in Mongolia…  Read more
IIB awarded for сontribution to the development of corporate bonds market of Romania

IIB awarded for сontribution to the development of corporate bonds market of Romania

The Romanian Stockbrokers’ Association prized the International Investment Bank for contribution to the development of corporate bonds market of Romania. The award was handed out to Ms. Julia Slusar, Head of Structured and Debt Finance Department of the IIB, at the 14-th annual Capital Market Awards Gala, organised by the Association. The event, dedicated to summarizing the results of activities on Romanian debt market in 2015, took place on December 8 in Bucharest. The IIB entered the local…  Read more
Government of Vietnam supports IIB’s development strategy – the Bank’s Chairman of the Board met with the country’s Deputy Prime Minister

Government of Vietnam supports IIB’s development strategy – the Bank’s Chairman of the Board met with the country’s Deputy Prime Minister

Nikolay Kosov, Chairman of the Board of the International Investment Bank, met with Vu Van Ninh, Deputy Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, responsible for financial and economic affairs. At the meeting, organised on the occasion of the 104th IIB Council Meeting, held on December 3-4 in Hanoi, Nikolay Kosov thoroughly informed his Vietnamese colleague about the results of the Bank’s activities during the post–reform year under the IIB’s renewed strategy. Mr. Kosov expressed…  Read more
IIB wraps up “the Year of Asia” – the 104th Council Meeting of the Bank in Vietnam concluded, followed by an international business forum

IIB wraps up “the Year of Asia” – the 104th Council Meeting of the Bank in Vietnam concluded, followed by an international business forum

On December 3-4, 2015, the highest governing authority of the International Investment Bank, the IIB Council, held its 104th meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam. The meeting marked the formal completion of IIB’s institutional reform, which started in 2012 – after their signing by the Czech Republic, all member states of the Bank have now adopted the new statutory documents, which will come into force after their ratification by all members, already finalized by Hungary. The underlying theme of the…  Read more
IIB and BIDV sign a loan agreement to finance SMEs in Vietnam

IIB and BIDV sign a loan agreement to finance SMEs in Vietnam

On December 4, 2015, in Hanoi, Vietnam, within the framework of the Business Forum organised by the International Investment Bank and the State Bank of Vietnam on the occasion of the 104th IIB Council Meeting, IIB and JSC Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) signed the Loan Agreement of USD 20 million with a term of five years to finance small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. Attending and witnessing the signing were Mr. Nguyen Van Binh – Member of the Party Central…  Read more