IIB continues to actively develop its partnership network: a number of meetings took place with leading Hungarian financial institutions

Building on successful completion of the headquarters relocation to Budapest International Investment Bank held a series of bilateral meetings with management of major Hungarian banks – key players on the domestic financial market.
The main topic of a rather intense agenda was the analysis of opportunities related to mutually beneficial cooperation. Among a wide range of topics, cofinancing of investment projects, diversification of funding sources and cooperation in treasury operations were discussed.
Consultations confirmed a growing interest of financial sphere leaders – top 10 financial institutions in Hungary - towards the Bank’s operations and mutual willingness to expand partnerships in various directions.
“We can state with confidence that the process of International Investment Bank’s integration into a European financial community is going smoothly and with a full support from leading players, also interested in strengthening Budapest’s role as an international financial centre”, Chaiperson of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov underlined.
As a result of meetings a number of specific agreements was achieved. Their implementation would give a new impetus to a growing scale of IIB activities in Hungary and the Central and Eastern Europe region.
“Positive feedback regarding the Bank’s operations is another confirmation of the correctness of the Europeanisation path strategically pursued by IIB in the interest of all our member states”, - commented Jozef Kollar, First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board in charge of Treasury and Funding, - “Throughout the current year we note a growing demand from international investors towards our debt instruments. It allows us to attract funding at record-low cost for our institution. The Bank plans to become a regular issuer on the Hungarian market. That is why active interaction with its key participants is one of our main priorities”.
In 2019 IIB has placed 4 bond issuances in Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic in the total volume exceeding 275 mln euro equivalent, which currently constitutes over 35% of the total long-term borrowings of the Bank. International Investment Bank’s success in capital markets demonstrates constant growth of trust in the institution and its recognition as a modern Europe-based development bank.