The IIB released its first public report on compliance control activity

In May 2016, the IIB delivered its first "Compliance Control Activity Report". The document was published taking into account the standards of international financial organizations, and in accordance with principle 6 of ”Uniform Framework for Preventing and Combatting Fraud and Corruption” joined by the IIB in 2015.
The Report highlights the main activities of the IIB, and particularly of its Compliance Department in the field of combating money laundering, terrorism financing and prevention of fraud and corruption. The document reveals the work performed on training the Bank's personnel in preventing prohibited practices and examining the knowledge acquired, specifically: identifying and monitoring the IIB’s counterparties for their inherited compliance risks by applying Know Your Customer procedures; activities undertaken for avoiding conflict of interests and carrying out investigations.
The publication of the report is a logical continuation of the Bank's efforts in the area of increasing transparency, the promulgation of sensible attitude to job responsibilities. The report’s aim is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the IIB and its stakeholders and partners for the fulfillment of international compliance requirements.