Implemented by tag: Partnership

Pilsen Toll
On December 30, 2015, the IIB signed a loan agreement with Pilsen Toll (Czech Republic). The loan facilities will be directed for the operations of its metallurgical-engineering plant PILSEN STEEL. The loan amount – EUR 35 million. Loan term - 3 years. Read more

Capital Bank
On December 9, 2015, the IIB concluded a loan agreement with mongolian Capital Bank. The loan facilities will be directed for development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia. The loan amount – EUR 5 million. Loan term – 4 years. Read more

JSC Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
On December 4, 2015, the IIB signed a loan agreement with JSC Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV). The credit facility will be used to finance small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. The loan amount is USD 20 million. Loan term is 5 years. Read more

Prista Oil Holding EAD
On September 30, 2015, a loan agreement with PRISTA OIL (Republic of Bulgaria) was signed in the framework of the syndicated loan with the Bulgarian Development Bank with the total amount of EUR 15 million. The loan will be utilised to finance both PRISTA OIL’s main activities and its export contracts IIB’s share is EUR 10 million The loan term is 3 years. Read more

Development Bank of Mongolia
On September 14, 2015, the IIB signed a loan agreement with the Development Bank of Mongolia. The loan facility will be used to support the SME sector, in particular to contribute to the implementation of socially significant projects. The loan amount is EUR 20 million The loan term is 7 years. Read more