Implemented by tag: Partnership

LLC Ivekta
On November 20, 2014, a loan agreement was signed with LLC Ivekta (Russian Federation) to provide finance for the export of Russian-made equipment/spare parts. The amount of the loan is EUR 7 million The loan term is 1.5 year. Read more

CJS «Transcapitalbank"
On December 30, 2013 a credit agreement was signed with CJS 'Transcapitalbank' on financing energy efficient projects. The syndicated loan was organized by IFC (International Finance Corporation). The credit share, provided by the IIB, is EUR 20 million The loan term is 5 years. Read more

Khan Bank
On October 17, 2013, a loan agreement was signed with Mongolian Khan Bank on lending to the country’s SMEs. The total amount of the syndicated loan is USD 60 million. The loan is managed by IFC (International Finance Corporation). The credit share, provided by the IIB, reaches USD 10 million. The loan term is 5 years. Read more

Trade & Development bank of Mongolia
On September 16, 2013, a loan agreement was signed with Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia on providing finance for the bank’s credit operations in Mongolian territory, including lending to SMEs. The total amount of the syndicated loan is USD 82 million The organiser is FMO (Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.) The credit share, provided by the IIB, is USD 10 million The loan term is 5 years. Read more